Soloman Adugna

Soloman Adugna
GFG Foundation Scholar
School: University of Sheffield
Subject: MMet Advanced Metallurgy
How do you feel you have benefitted from the support of the GFG foundation?
Receiving funding from the GFG Foundation meant a lot to me as without it I would have been unable to continue my education in engineering. I feel very proud to have an Engineering Masters from the University of Sheffield as it has a rich history of teaching metallurgy. My course is one of the best courses in the world for teaching scientists and engineers to develop and enhance their understanding. The past year has given me the opportunity to gain not just a Masters degree, but hands on experience using experimental state-of-the-art equipment and facilities.
Is there anything you did or learnt during the programme that has helped you with your career choices?
My new and developed skills put me in a good position to pursue a career in metallurgy. I am currently applying for jobs in the metal processing industry across the UK. Much of what I have achieved over the last year could not have been possible without this scholarship as I did not feel financially restrained. I want to pass on my sincerest thanks to the GFG Foundation for their support over the past year.